
COVID-19 Protocol Update

To Paradigm employees,

As we are approaching the end of 2020 and following the outcome of a new vaccine, we also see an increase in Maine’s positive cases.

This must remind us of actions we have to take to keep ourselves, family members, coworkers, and friends safe and healthy by following CDC guidelines. (Social distancing when possible, face covering, hand washing, avoid face touching, etc.)

Also, here at Paradigm, we have nonoptional policies;

  1. Do not enter the building without a face mask appropriately worn covering the mouth and nose. We all  MUST wear face-covering properly at all times. The only exception is food or fluid consumption and needs to be in a stationary position. (at the table, not walking around)
  • Each individual entering the building MUST take the temperature.  Remove hats, glasses, and position the forehead or area between your eyes in front of the temperature reader to get a temperature reading.
  • If the temperature too low – (due to cold outside conditions), proceed in and return in a couple of minutes to retake the temperature. 
  • If the temperature reads too high – exit the building immediately and contact your supervisor or HR via phone.
  • Hand sanitizer is available throughout the factory to use in addition to frequently washing your hands.
  • Follow lines on the floor which are placed to keep a 6′ distance 
  • Keep your workstation neat and clean (antibacterial disinfectant to wipe down work surfaces)

Starting immediately, we are implementing “fog disinfecting” after work hours. This task is being performed by the custodian company factory-wide and will not replace any precautionary steps each employee must take.

Team members that have been exposed or in contact are tested, and we are following CDC guidelines. Our HR department is working with the CDC to obtain as much information as the CDC provides to trace exposure.

If you have not been contacted by the CDC or someone from our HR department, you have not been identified as the person in contact.

You can still choose to get tested and if you did not select health insurance or are still in the waiting period, see our HR department for alternative options to cover test cost.


If you are experiencing COVID-like symptoms or have been in contact with someone who tested positive, DO NOT report to work. Contact our HR department immediately @ (207) 210-1716 and inform your supervisor of your absence. 

Thank you, and stay healthy and safe!

Julka Arsovski

Director of Operations