
Emergency Conditions Policy

Paradigm Windows Emergency Conditions Policy and FAQ

In the wake of COVID19

With the outbreak around the globe of the COVID19 (coronavirus) we have been closely monitoring the situation with the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Paradigm is committed to ensure the safety and well-being of all our employees and their families across the country and to make sure we are making responsible choices to avoid the spread of the virus. We have put out educational materials from the CDC with prevention measures. We have also put together the following guidance and plan for our response to this Pandemic. Naturally, we all have a personal responsibility to each other to follow these guidelines.

Emergency Conditions Policy

  1. Practice respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene: 
    • When coughing or sneezing: cover your mouth with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash; or cough/sneeze into your bent elbow.
    • Wash your hands with soap and water throughout the day, for at least 20 seconds. Or clean your hands regularly with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. If you must touch your eyes, nose, and mouth, wash/sanitize your hands before and promptly after doing so.

Supervisors, Team leaders and Managers throughout the company will give daily reminders to all team members on the above and information has been placed and sent throughout our organization.

  1. Sick employees to stay home: During cold and flu season, it’s always best for employees who are sick to stay home and recover. But in particular right now, employees who have symptoms of COVID-19 (fever of 100.4º or higher, cough, and shortness of breath) should not to come to work; they should notify their supervisor or HR and stay home (except to seek medical care). Employees who have a respiratory illness should stay home and not come to work until they are fever-free and free from symptoms (without the use of fever-reducing or other medicines) for at least 24 hours.
  2. Special Conditions: For those employees who may have a special condition that would put them at increased risk such as Asthma or an immune deficiency issue, please contact Jennifer Morin at 207-210-1716 to confidentially discuss.
  3. Practice social distancing: Maintain 3-6 feet distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. Suspend the common courtesy of shaking hands with others; they will understand.
  4. Guests, Visitors and Meetings: Until further notice, all non-essential guests and visitors will be asked to conduct business via phone, email or teleconference.  Any guests or visitors needing to visit our sites will be required to fill out a survey prior to being granted permission. The completed survey must be turned into and approved by Jennifer Morin. Please email
  5. Employees are encouraged to use telephone and video conferencing instead of face-to-face meetings as much as possible during this outbreak. Internal meetings should be held in larger areas when available. At this time there should be no food brought in for meetings. Meeting areas should be properly cleaned before and afterwards.
  6. Enhanced cleaning: We have available to employees extra cleaning and disinfecting supplies so that you may clean high-touch surfaces at your own workstations or common areas as needed.

We recommend that daily you wipe down your phone, keyboard and things that you touch often like door handles with disinfectant wipes.

We have ramped up cleaning by having our nightly crew put in additional time each evening to ensure frequently touched objects and surfaces such as doorknobs and light switches are cleaned and disinfected.

  1. Employees who become sick at work: If an employee appears to have symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath) during the workday. We will send the employee home and tell them to seek medical attention. If necessary, we will provide transportation home.
  2. Employees who have an infected person at home: Employees may themselves be well, but have someone in their household who is sick are asked to notify their supervisor or HR, who should then consult CDC guidance on determining the risk level posed by their possible exposure, including compliance with CDC-recommended precautions for home care
  3. Sick employees off work with diagnosed or suspected COVID-19:   See your HR manager to discuss further.
  4. Overseas travel: Any employees who travel internationally for personal reasons, will be subject to recommendations based on CDC’s travel information page Paradigm prohibits  oversees business travel.  See your manager prior to committing to international travel.

Personal Time Off / Sick Day Policy

In order for the Company to continue to operate it is vital that the team continue to work together using the established lines of communication and policies for PTO.  Please overcommunicate with HR if you have questions or concerns about your ability to take time off.

Employees will need to do what is best for them and their families, the least of these being a heightened awareness and implementation of processes to prevent exposure/spread of the virus. When in doubt of your own health, always check with your own physician to get the best preventative methods to avoid the virus.

All questions about PTO or your ability to take PTO should be directed to your immediate supervisor or HR.  Please note that PTO must continue to be requested 2 weeks in advance as defined by the Company’s handbook: 

  • Contact HR with any questions or concerns
  • PTO will be granted if at all possible – However, the normal PTO policy in our handbook remains in place.  Please see your supervisor or HR with any questions about taking time off.
  • PTO must be requested at least two (2) weeks in advance.
  • For illness and other emergency absences, the employee must make every effort to give his/her manager the proper notice and maintain communication throughout any unplanned absences.
  • PTO should be used to protect attendance for non FMLA protected absences.  Contact HR for questions about FMLA.
  • We will continue to monitor any government relief programs and communicate when/if these come available for your benefit.

Frequently Asked Questions

What steps is Paradigm taking to stay up to speed on the rapidly evolving nature of this issue?

Paradigm is closely monitoring the Coronavirus situation in coordination with guidance from the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other experts. As of today, we have not identified a need to implement any changes to our claim handling or business protocols. However, we are monitoring the situation daily and are poised to act quickly if needed. Paradigm has a robust crisis management plan and is ensuring that we are fully prepared from a business continuity perspective, as well as keeping the health and safety of our employees as a top priority. Paradigm is committed to our business continuity plans unless law enforcement or governmental agencies intervene and provide specifics around any regulations that need to be followed.

How/when does the Coronavirus constitute a disability?

If an employee were to develop symptoms, they would be able to submit their claim to Jennifer Morin to assess the disability claim based on the terms of the policy, the same as we would for any other illness.

What if local health departments or law enforcement agencies have enforced a quarantine (work from home) during a prescribed incubation period, but an employee is unable to work remotely?

An employee is considered disabled when they meet the definition of disability as outlined in Paradigm’s policy.  Each claim is decided on the specific facts presented, but if an employee is under quarantine and not ill, the employee would likely not meet the definition of disability. In the event an employee is unable to work remotely, proper documentation will need to be submitted to support the localized regulations.

Would an employee be considered eligible for a leave (paid or unpaid) under a federal or state leave program if local health departments or law enforcement agencies required an exposed person to stay home under quarantine during a prescribed incubation period?

Under federal and state statutory leave laws, Lincoln Financial would assess the disability claim for eligibility when a claimant meets the definition of Serious Health Condition under the applicable federal/state statute. Under these statutory programs, there is an expectation that benefits will be administered on a consistent basis no matter the underlying illness. As with disability claims, each leave is decided on its own specific facts. In general, however, employees are not entitled to federal or state leave to stay home during a quarantine period if they are not ill.

Would an employee be considered eligible for a leave (paid or unpaid) under his or her company leave program?

Paradigm’s paid leave policy is handled as follows:

Granting paid or unpaid time off during emergency conditions will be discussed by our senior management team. Paradigm is committed to our business continuity program for our customers and are obligated to honor this unless law enforcement or governmental agencies intervene and provide specifics around any program or policy changes. If this occurs, proper documentation will need to be submitted to your supervisor and HR to substantiate localized and governmental regulations for consideration by senior management.

What if local health departments or law enforcement agencies required an exposed person to stay home under quarantine during a prescribed incubation period?

Paid or unpaid time off during emergency conditions will be discussed by our senior management team. Disability leave of absence can only be approved if it meets the definition of Serious Health Condition under the applicable federal/state statute.

How might service be impacted if Paradigm employees are affected by the Coronavirus?

Our top priorities are helping our employees understand what actions to take to protect themselves and their families, as well as providing unwavering service to our customers. We remain confident that we would be able to take advantage of our flexible work from home policies to continue to provide service.

Paradigm continuously monitors call volumes to ensure we are appropriately staffed to meet service levels. We remain diligent in our workforce planning efforts and are prepared to implement business continuity plans if necessary. Should you have additional questions or need additional detail, please reach out to your supervisor or Human Resources.